For years now, I have have had a nice little case for my aquascaping tools made by a company that is no longer in existence. It works very well, but only holds a very few tools.
At home this isn’t a problem, because I have a very nice step stool tool box that serves two purposes at once; a place for my tools and to help me reach into my taller tanks.
But when I want to take my tools elsewhere, the little Aquarium Landscapes case isn’t always big enough for what I’d like to take with me. There are some very expensive hand made options available, and although my soul lusts for one of these, my pocketbook says that money could be better spent elsewhere.
The beauty of social media is that you can put a lot of good minds together at once. I asked for ideas on our Aquatic Gardeners Association Facebook page, and Nick Kinser suggested a bag for BBQ tools. That sounded promising, but when I checked on Amazon, they all seemed to come with tools. Not the end of the world, but I have plenty of perfectly useful BBQ tools and don’t really need more. Then Gavin Dalton suggested a Chef’s knife bag. Perfect! There are lots of choices on Amazon, they come without knives and the starting prices are quite reasonable. (though you can also spend quite a bit if you choose!)
This is the one I chose: Knife Bag
It fits a good selection of tools nicely, and I could easily also fit some nitrile gloves, super glue, and even a small microfiber cloth in the bag. It zips closed, keeps everything safe and tidy and is waterproof. There is even a spot for my business card if (heaven forbid!) I left it somewhere! It comes with a shoulder strap too, but I think that might be overkill for my purposes!